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Zelda Bot User Guide

This is simple chat bot application I created for my CS2103 Project. The aesthetics of the bot is inspired by my favourite childhood game: Legend of Zelda.


Zelda Features

The following features have been implemented in Zelda Bot:

  1. Adding of tasks to the bot.
  2. Marking Completion for completed tasks.
  3. Listing of all existing tasks.
  4. Deleting existing tasks.
  5. Searching for tasks using keywords.
  6. Sorting tasks according by order of their duedate (if any).
  7. Viewing Schedule for a particular month/date.
  8. Updating the description or duedate (if any) of a particular task.

Feature Details

1. Adding of tasks

The user can add new tasks into ZeldaBot. The tasks can be a :



    todo deadlift
    deadline bench 2 plates/2020-12-12
    event squat 500lbs/2020-12-25

Expected outcome:

    Got it. This task is now added.
    [T][X] deadlift
    You have 1 tasks left in 
    your list!
    Got it. This task is now added.
    [D][X] bench 2 plates (by: 12 Dec 2020)
    You have 2 tasks left in 
    your list!
    Got it. This task is now added.
    [E][X] squat 500lbs (by: 25 Dec 2020)
    You have 3 tasks left in 
    your list! ---

2. Marking completion of tasks

Marks the completion of an existing task, indicated by a cross or a tick. The number of “done” in the command is the index of the task in your list.


done ‘task index’


done 1

Expected outcome:

    Nice! I have completed 
    this task! [T][✓] deadlift

3. Listing of tasks

List all existing tasks in your list.





Expected outcome:

    Here are the tasks in your tasklist:
    1. [T][✓] deadlift
    2. [D][✓] bench 2 plates (by: 12 Dec 2020)
    3. [E][✓] squat 500lbs (by: 25 Dec 2020)

4. Deleting tasks

Deletes a tasks in your list of task. The number after “delete” is the index of the task in your list.


delete ‘index number of task’


delete 1

Expected outcome:

    Got it. Deleting task.....
    [T][✓] deadlift
    Ypu have 2 tasks left in
    your list!

5. Searching for tasks

Searches for a task in your list of tasks with a keyword which bears similarities to the description of the task.


find ‘keyword matching task description’


    find bench

Expected outcome:

    Here are the tasks in your list!
    1. [D][✓] bench 2 plates (by: 12 Dec 2020)

6. Sort tasks

Sorts deadlines and events in your list in order of their duedate, then insert all the todos at the end of the sorted list.





Expected outcome:

    Your tasks has been sorted! :)
    1. [D][✓] bench 2 plates (by: 12 Dec 2020)
    2. [E][✓] squat 500lbs (by: 25 Dec 2020)
    3. [T][✓] deadlift

7. View schedule for a particular date or month

Display all the tasks you have for a particular date or month. First character of input month must be capitalized and input date must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.



schedule December
schedule 2020-12-12

Expected outcome:

    Here is your schedule for this month!
    1. [D][✓] bench 2 plates (by: 12 Dec 2020)
    2. [E][✓] squat 500lbs (by: 25 Dec 2020)
    Here is your schedule for this date!
    1. [D][✓] bench 2 plates (by: 12 Dec 2020)

8. Update task

Update the description or duedate of an existing task in your list of task.



    update 2 desc go on a date

Expected outcome:

    This task:
    [D][✓] bench 2 plates (by: 12 Dec 2020)
    has been updated to this task:
    [D][✓] go on a date (by: 12 Dec 2020)

Thanks for reading this user guide!
